Highlight the slogan “50 years at Your Service.” Present the SCIC’s 50th Anniversary Edition in accessible PDF format that complies with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.
Increase the profile of the Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat as conference experts, relying on innovative solutions.
Motivate ministers and deputy ministers from all levels of government in Canada to work together with the Secretariat in the development, implementation and logistics of their conferences across the country.
Prime Minister, Ministers and Deputy Ministers of all governments (federal, provincial and territorial) in Canada.
Consultation, project management, marketing, research and analysis, strategic advising, ideation, data visualization, selection and graphic processing of photographs, graphic design, page layout of 20 p. per language, accessible PDF files (PDF tagging compliant with WCAG 2.0 – Level AA), responsive HTML5 coding with JavaScript, animated and interactive graphs, WCAG 2.0 compliance of HTML5 version and quality assurance.