Increase the credibility of the PMPRB. A showcase for the organization’s work, the annual report presents crucial information on pharmaceutical trends and includes several detailed tables and graphs.
Achieve a sophisticated visual approach and clear presentation of data to facilitate reader understanding.
Disseminate the PMPRB’s commitment to provide credible and objective results on the state of the pharmaceutical market through meaningful collaboration and consultation with stakeholders, adapting to the realities of drug spending and the economy in Canada.
Parliament members.
Patentees and industry of pharmaceuticals related.
Patients, payers, healthcare providers, researchers.
Consultation, project management, marketing, research and analysis, strategic advising, ideation, data visualization, selection and graphic processing of photographs, graphic design, page layout (84 p. English and 88 p. French into standard PDF format), formatting of 22 tables and 26 graphs per language, responsive HTML5, WCAG 2.0 – Level AA compliance of HTML5 versions and quality assurance.