Foster the use of positive reinforcement so that dog learning takes place with respect and trust, without pain, stress or constraint.
Demonstrate different conflict situations where dogs exhibit undesirable behavior until desired behavior is achieved. (Parallax effects used for this purpose.)
Promote positive reinforcement by demonstrating a typical case. Walking on a leash is a learning experience as well both the dog and his companion.
Client:Lynne Vachon
Date: 2017
General public – dogs owners.
Promote positive reinforcement in order to develop a harmonious relationship between master and dog.
Consultation, project management, research and analysis, web content strategy, creative copywriting, information architecture modeling, prototyping, website design with parallax scrolling effect, user interface and experience design (UI and UX), usability testing, web development, HTML5 coding compliant with WCAG 2.0, hosting, SEO, selection and graphic processing of photographs, graphic design (visual identity) and quality assurance.