Inform the general public about commercial and recreational navigation on the St. Lawrence, particularly on socio-economic and environmental aspects.
Highlight the various assets and attractions of the river and its sustainable development.
Promote the contribution of the navigation on the St. Lawrence in Quebec heritage and culture.
Client:Ministère des Transports du Québec
General public.
Photo Credits :
Canadian Coast Guard; Ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité durable et de l’Électrification des transports du Québec; Sociétés des traversiers du Québec; St. Lawrence Economic Development Council (SODES); Transport Canada; David Bolduc; Laetitia Joseph; Simon Lebrun; Brendan Martin-Kapfer; Pierre Michon; Louis Rhéaume; Stratégies Saint-Laurent: H. Boivin; Gérard Lafrenière; Stephane Miller; Aurore Perot; Alain Richard; Jean-Éric Turcotte; Winner contest Québec couleur nature 2012: Steve Deschênes; 2014: Lucie Tremblay.
Consultation, project management, marketing, research and analysis, strategic advising, ideation, content strategy, French copywriting, selection and graphic processing of photographs, graphic design, page layout of 36 p. per language, print versions with tabs, accessible PDF versions, WCAG 2.0 compliance, prepress and quality assurance.